Education Solutions

Bring your classroom online with live streaming

Education solutions

Connect and Collaborate Shared Learning Experiences with your audience

If you wish to live-stream lectures, workshops, training sessions and seminars, you will find video streaming a powerful way to engage with your students and audience. 

 IQ Video Solutions’ AI based streaming solutions  can be utilized for a range of video production requirements. It enables the live production of remote lectures and classroom lessons with a high quality, low latency live stream with a professional look by using an easy-to-use streaming package or build your own studio using vPilot, the automated studio system  that  utilizes the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to drive a camera production. All without the need of camera personal or a production company.And with the cloud based production and distribution tools, streams can be instantly branded with logo, overlays and graphics, and pushed to any online destination. Live. 



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